Ranch Pyr/Colorado Mountain Dog Update:
Unfortunately the family and the ranch has had a bad year and so far there is no end in site. Two funerals only 12 days apart, some bad health, a car accident. Most of the sheep herd had to be sold, inflation forced us to experiment with different dog and livestock diets, more winter than this area has had since 1917, etc. All of these things affected the Pyrs to the point that we have not had a litter born in over a year now. We thought we were getting close a couple of times only to discover it was a false pregnancy. I believe we have found a diet that works for the Pyrs. But if we do not have a litter by this summer we will start refunding advance deposits in the order that they were received. We will stop taking advance deposits for the Pyrs and simply notify people when there are puppies available. My apologies to everyone who has been waiting so patiently.
Unfortunately the family and the ranch has had a bad year and so far there is no end in site. Two funerals only 12 days apart, some bad health, a car accident. Most of the sheep herd had to be sold, inflation forced us to experiment with different dog and livestock diets, more winter than this area has had since 1917, etc. All of these things affected the Pyrs to the point that we have not had a litter born in over a year now. We thought we were getting close a couple of times only to discover it was a false pregnancy. I believe we have found a diet that works for the Pyrs. But if we do not have a litter by this summer we will start refunding advance deposits in the order that they were received. We will stop taking advance deposits for the Pyrs and simply notify people when there are puppies available. My apologies to everyone who has been waiting so patiently.
Colorado Mountain Dog Breed Information
All of the dogs in my Ranch Pyr bloodline were invited to help develop the Colorado Mountain dog breed after the founder Wendy adopted a Sage x Hope puppy.
All of my Ranch Pyr puppies qualify for the Colorado Mountain Dog breeding program.
If you would like invitation for one of my puppies to participate in the CMD breeding program it is $150 extra.
After I was introduced to the breed I discovered it is almost my ideal farm guard. The CMD is a breed being developed to protect livestock on small acreage hobby farms. They are being developed from a number of Livestock Guard breeds. The ideal CMD will not roam from it's smaller property, protect livestock, accept the visitors that it's family accepts, and get along well with children. They should not be aggressive with people unless there is a genuine threat and they should not bark excessively. CMDs are similar in size but a bit lighter in structure to purebred Pyrenees and should be tighter lipped or "dry mouth" with very little if any drool. Their coats should be a bit shorter than purebred Pyrenees with less matting and grooming requirements, shedding without help. Colorado Mountain Dogs are usually white but may also be tan with black muzzle, brindle, badger, faded badger, black and white.
All of my dogs will announce a visitor so I know that there is someone here.
All of my dogs will bark if there is something to bark at, they do not bark for no reason or constantly day or night.
Here is what my dogs are contributing to the future of the Colorado Mountain Dog:
All of my Ranch Pyr puppies qualify for the Colorado Mountain Dog breeding program.
If you would like invitation for one of my puppies to participate in the CMD breeding program it is $150 extra.
After I was introduced to the breed I discovered it is almost my ideal farm guard. The CMD is a breed being developed to protect livestock on small acreage hobby farms. They are being developed from a number of Livestock Guard breeds. The ideal CMD will not roam from it's smaller property, protect livestock, accept the visitors that it's family accepts, and get along well with children. They should not be aggressive with people unless there is a genuine threat and they should not bark excessively. CMDs are similar in size but a bit lighter in structure to purebred Pyrenees and should be tighter lipped or "dry mouth" with very little if any drool. Their coats should be a bit shorter than purebred Pyrenees with less matting and grooming requirements, shedding without help. Colorado Mountain Dogs are usually white but may also be tan with black muzzle, brindle, badger, faded badger, black and white.
All of my dogs will announce a visitor so I know that there is someone here.
All of my dogs will bark if there is something to bark at, they do not bark for no reason or constantly day or night.
Here is what my dogs are contributing to the future of the Colorado Mountain Dog: